Your Crystal-Clear Work-Life Balance Self-Assessment

Your Crystal-Clear Work-Life Balance Self-Assessment

Sometimes it’s difficult for busy professionals to have an objective perspective on their lives. If we’re not careful, we can get so caught up in the daily grind that we don’t see clearly. This is especially true where work-life balance is concerned. Unfortunately for us, we can operate out-of-balance for quite some time – only recognizing the problem when it culminates in catastrophic burnout.

5 Signs to See a Doctor for an Exercise Injury

5 Signs to See a Doctor for an Exercise Injury

I don’t know a single athlete that rushes to the doctor at the first sign of trouble. I’m certainly not one of them! It may not make logical sense, but I think there’s a part of ourselves that believes if we avoid getting an official diagnosis, we can get moving forward. But trust me, any real injury is going to stop you from keeping up with your training schedule – whether or not you visit a physician.

How Leaders Cope When Workplace Support is Lacking

How Leaders Cope When Workplace Support is Lacking

As much as I talk about how important it is for leaders to support their teams, I think we must acknowledge the other side of the coin. Leaders need support too, and when they don’t have it, they can grow bitter, unmotivated, and ineffective. After all, getting anything done when everyone else seems to be working against you is like Sisyphus eternally pushing the boulder up a hill.

Do You Have the Characteristics of an Effective Leader?

Do You Have the Characteristics of an Effective Leader?

While it’s a myth that leaders are born and not made, there are some key characteristics that make leaders worth following. Knowing the characteristics can not only help you hone your own leadership skills, but it can aid in identifying, training, and retaining new leadership for your business. After all, it’s not just the guy at the top who leads. Leadership and initiative among your whole team produces top-tier results.

Recharge Your Workout Motivation!

Recharge Your Workout Motivation!

However fit and active you may be, we’re all prone to periods of burnout and low motivation. Maybe you hit a plateau and feel discouraged about a lack of progress. Maybe the holiday season means lots of travel, disrupting your normal fitness routine. Whether you’re a chronic quitter or a seasoned pro hitting a stumbling block, it helps to know what you need to recharge your motivation and get back on track with your fitness goals.

6 Tell-Tale Signs of an Emotionally Intelligent Leader

6 Tell-Tale Signs of an Emotionally Intelligent Leader

In the minds of some experts, emotional intelligence (EQ) has become more valuable in the workplace than the intelligence quotient (IQ). This may be in part because testing intelligence with an IQ test is now considered inaccurate at best and problematic at worst. Our traditional understandings of intelligence are quite narrow – only accounting for a small part of what can lead to success in academia and the workplace.

5 Ways Regular Exercise Protects Your Brain

5 Ways Regular Exercise Protects Your Brain

For the most part, we exercise for the physical benefits: increased muscle, loss of excess weight, preventing heart disease and other maladies, and building up energy and stamina. But the benefits of regular exercise go far beyond the physically evident. If you needed another motivator to get up and get active, let this be it: regular exercise strengthens and protects your brain.