Your Crystal-Clear Work-Life Balance Self-Assessment

Sometimes it’s difficult for busy professionals to have an objective perspective on their lives. If we’re not careful, we can get so caught up in the daily grind that we don’t see clearly. This is especially true where work-life balance is concerned. Unfortunately for us, we can operate out-of-balance for quite some time – only recognizing the problem when it culminates in catastrophic burnout.

And burnout isn’t the only issue when your work-life balance is poor. Relationships can deteriorate, health can suffer, and yes – your work performance can slip.

In the digital age, it’s more challenging than ever to achieve a sense of balance. We’re always on, always connected, and discouraged from being anything less.

So, here’s a simple, straightforward self-assessment to help you determine how healthy your work-life balance is…before it becomes painfully obvious!

12 Statements that Uncover the Health of Your Work-Life Balance

Assess these statements on a scale of 0 to 10, zero being “not at all true” and ten being “always true.”

“I have no problem saying no.”

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If you have difficulty saying no, your work-life balance is probably suffering. Setting firm boundaries and weighing the opportunity cost of requests is key to your health. Are you willing to say no or delegate burdensome tasks?

“If I had a family emergency, I would feel comfortable leaving work to handle it.”

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Would your place of work be supportive if you experienced a family emergency? If you find yourself fearing a backlash, feeling guilty, or forced to stay at work, there’s a problem. Healthy workplaces prioritize the well-being of their team, even when it is inconvenient.

“I neglect my personal needs due to pressure at work.”

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Pressure and stress at work can lead to the deterioration of your health. Are you able to get to the gym three times a week? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you given space to recover from stress, crunch time, or burnout?

“When I get home, I’m too exhausted to do anything.”

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Though work is always tiring to some degree, it’s a bad sign if you find yourself unable to do anything but sit and sleep when you get home. With a healthy balance, you should be able to interact with your family, exercise, work on a hobby, and take care of yourself.

“I’m often unavailable for family time, like dinners, outings, and bedtimes.”

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No one on their deathbed regrets the time they spent with their family. They do, however, regret working instead of prioritizing their spouse and children. If you often miss your child’s games and performances, skip family dinners, or are working so late that you aren’t there to tuck them in, your work-life balance is in jeopardy.

“I find it difficult to disconnect from work on weekends and vacations.”

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You should be able to disconnect without guilt, especially on weekends and during a vacation. Do your coworkers also respect these boundaries?

“I don’t take work home with me.”

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At times, taking some work home may be necessary. Doing it chronically, however, is the literal manifestation of work taking over your life.

“I feel like I can’t take breaks at work.”

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Can you get five minutes to yourself? Take a leisurely break to get coffee and use the restroom? Take a walk to clear your head? If you feel chained to your desk, it indicates an issue with company culture – and you’re paying the price!

“My health has suffered due to stress.”

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Stress can literally make you sick. If you’re constantly dealing with fatigue, repeat colds or infections, and a lack of quality sleep, you are likely unable to disconnect yourself from the stresses of work.

“I find myself turning to alcohol or other substances to cope with stress.”

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Quick, unhealthy coping mechanisms are a tell-tale sign of poor work-life balance. It could be smoking, alcohol, or junk food – regardless, if you’re turning to substances to relieve stress, your life needs some adjustments.

“My thoughts at more positive than they are negative.”

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Burnout tends to lead to negativity. If you’re refreshed and well-balanced, you’re more likely to feel and experience positive thoughts.

“I am content with the time I can spend on my relationships and inner self.”

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Do you feel you have plenty of time and flexibility to be with the people you love? Is it easy to find time to focus on exercise, hobbies, and self-care: physical, emotional, and spiritual? Or do you find yourself wishing you had more time to dedicate to these things?

If your scores reflected a lack of balance in your life, it’s not too late. Step back and assess your boundaries, schedule, and unhealthy habits. Change may take time, but you’ll thank yourself for it…and so will your family!

How do you maintain work-life balance? Share your tips in the comments.