5 Mental Resilience Strategies for Endurance Runners

5 Mental Resilience Strategies for Endurance Runners

As the old saying goes, “Running is 90% mental, and the rest is physical.” Now, I don’t know if that’s the actual breakdown. With all the training that goes into endurance running, you’d think the physical aspects would account for a bigger piece of the pie. 

But here’s what I do know: the mental component is undeniably essential to the endurance runner. The wrong mindset can make or break your race performance. It can prevent you from reaching your potential. So, as much as I can (and will) give tips on the form and function of running, I also want to talk about the psychological element. 

7 Surefire Ways to Cultivate Mental Toughness

7 Surefire Ways to Cultivate Mental Toughness

While I often see mental toughness discussed in the context of athletics and running, this quality can improve just about every area of your life, from the personal to the professional and the physical to the mental. Now, what is mental toughness? In short, it’s one’s ability to push forward through challenges.

It’s getting knocked down seven times and getting up eight. 

Mental toughness is essential for personal growth in virtually every aspect of your life. You have to be able to roll with the punches. No giving up, no rolling over, no throwing up your hands. Mental toughness is all about overcoming challenges. Of course, that’s easier said than done! 

Debunking 10 Bogus Health & Wellness Claims

Debunking 10 Bogus Health & Wellness Claims

I’ve been on my wellness journey – endurance running and being intentional about my diet – for some time now. And I can’t begin to tell you how much misinformation, misconceptions, and outright lies are in the health and wellness world! Knowing the truth about how our bodies work regarding nutrition and exercise will spare you setbacks and frustrations. 

7 Surefire Ways to Cultivate Mental Toughness

7 Surefire Ways to Cultivate Mental Toughness

While I often see mental toughness discussed in the context of athletics and running, this quality can improve just about every area of your life, from the personal to the professional and the physical to the mental. Now, what is mental toughness? In short, it’s one’s ability to push forward through challenges.

It’s getting knocked down seven times and getting up eight. 

These are the BEST Personal Finance Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

These are the BEST Personal Finance Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Fledgling entrepreneurs stand on the edge of grand opportunities and great risk. The entrepreneur’s journey isn’t easy, especially when you’re just starting. Trust me, I’ve been there myself! For all the innovative ideas and big dreams, what entrepreneurs really need is financial direction. 

This path is exhilarating and daunting all at once. Ensure you’re making the most of your chance: follow these financial tips!

The U.S. is Unhappier than Ever: Here’s What You Can Do About It

The U.S. is Unhappier than Ever: Here’s What You Can Do About It

I can’t say that I was surprised that the United States dropped out of the top 20 countries in the World Happiness Report by Gallup. (We moved from 15th place to 23rd place.) So many factors determine happiness – but the United States is undoubtedly affected by the rising cost of living, social media influence, loneliness, economic strain, and a tumultuous news cycle.

At times, it might seem as though there’s nothing you can do. But don’t count yourself out, especially if you’re in a leadership position. 

Now, the goal of a business isn’t to have happy workers. But happy workers are significantly better for business than unhappy ones! And as someone in charge, you play an instrumental role in creating and sustaining a sense of happiness.

8 Game-Changing Nutrition Insights for a Healthy Life

8 Game-Changing Nutrition Insights for a Healthy Life

Healthy dietary habits don’t have to be about losing weight. Good nutrition does so much more for us than that! It improves energy levels, working memory, gut health, and bodily efficiency. It helps prevent disease and can improve the symptoms of chronic health problems. At the end of the day, good eatin’ is a good idea.

That said, I know sticking to a nutritionally sound diet is easier said than done – whether we’re crunched for time or tempted by sweets. Let these game-changing insights revolutionize the way you eat! 

6 Secrets to Effective Decision-Making

6 Secrets to Effective Decision-Making

Studies suggest that the average person makes 35,000 decisions every day. These may be big or small, conscious or subconscious, but they all matter. When you’re in a high-stakes position as an entrepreneur, business owner, or leader, wise decision-making is especially valuable. We always want to choose what’s best for ourselves, our team, and our business. 

But taking confident, decisive action is easier said than done. With the weight of that responsibility, many people struggle to make their choices with confidence. If you want to learn the secrets of making wise business decisions, keep reading!

7 Early Detection Strategies for Common Running Injuries

7 Early Detection Strategies for Common Running Injuries

I’ve been running for a long time now. In honing my stamina, form, speed, and discipline, I’ve learned how easy it is to get hurt. Running injuries don’t always happen suddenly or obviously. Many times, injuries are the result of continued bad habits or poor form. They sneak up on us! 

Because it’s always better to recognize and address problems from the onset, runners need to know what to look for. Doing so will reduce downtime, prevent costly medical expenses, and get you back in action sooner rather than later.

10 Financial Rules that Empower New Entrepreneurs

10 Financial Rules that Empower New Entrepreneurs

The entrepreneur’s journey isn’t a waltz through the roses. This path demands more than determination and hutzpah, too. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in or what kind of business you want to build – entrepreneurs must start with a solid foundation for success. And that foundation begins with finances.

If you want to craft a successful, lasting business that is an asset rather than a liability, start here. Getting the fiscal side right is critical – so commit these financial rules to heart.

12 Leadership Podcasts That Inspire Greatness

12 Leadership Podcasts That Inspire Greatness

I’m a busy guy. That means I’m also a podcast guy, whether listening on a run or a long drive. I find podcasts are a great tool when you don’t have the time or attention span to dive into a book. But let’s be honest – not all podcasts are created equal. Finding that sweet spot of entertaining, engaging hosts and solid, worthwhile information isn’t easy. 

How to Ease the Impact of Workplace Distractions

How to Ease the Impact of Workplace Distractions

There are countless opportunities for distractions in the workplace. As business owners and leaders, it’s our responsibility to mitigate these instances. Unfortunately, not all attention-stealers and productivity-killers are things we can control. 

I’m here to go over the most common distractions in the office – both those within your control and beyond it. When we know how to deal with both, we’ll better equip our team to thrive and succeed. Here’s what you need to know, boss:

6 Rules for Making Healthy Choices at Restaurants

6 Rules for Making Healthy Choices at Restaurants

Have you ever tried to stick to healthy eating habits only to feel sabotaged at every turn? You can buy the right foods, ban junk food from the house, and practice meal prep. You can do everything right and still mess up when restaurants enter the equation. It doesn’t matter if it’s a work luncheon, a date night, or a too-tired-to-cook DoorDash delivery – eating out can throw your nutritional goals off base.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with an indulgent meal occasionally. We don’t need to be so strict that we don’t enjoy food. What I’m getting at here is advice for people who want to make healthy choices but find it challenging to do so when they go out to eat.

7 Ways to Keep Your Dreams Grounded and Within Reach

7 Ways to Keep Your Dreams Grounded and Within Reach

As entrepreneurs, we’re constantly told to chase our dreams. After all, striking out, being your own boss, calling the shots – that’s what people think of when they think of pursuing this path. It is the dream. But sometimes, our pie-in-the-sky ambitions can hold us back from real success here and now. 

There’s a difference between the dream of owning your own business and dreaming of winning the lottery. Growing infatuated with unrealistic goals will derail your progress. I don’t want to see any young entrepreneurs squander their potential on the unattainable – so here are a few ways to keep your ambitions big but still within reach.

What Entrepreneurs Can Learn from the Dreaded Marathon Wall

What Entrepreneurs Can Learn from the Dreaded Marathon Wall

The “marathon wall” is a phenomenon marathon runners dread during a race. It typically hits around the 20-mile mark. 

The wall represents a point in the race where runners feel a significant depletion of energy and encounter a range of physical and mental challenges. This can include feelings of extreme fatigue, muscle cramps, mental exhaustion, and a sense that continuing the race is no longer possible. For the untrained runner, the wall can be enormously challenging to overcome!

The Transformative Power of a Leader’s Apology

The Transformative Power of a Leader’s Apology

Sometimes, I make mistakes. We all do! Big or small, I guarantee these errors impact your relationships, both with yourself and with those affected. I see a line of thought from time to time: the idea that leaders should never apologize. And with all due respect, I think that’s ludicrous. 

When I’ve wronged someone with a bad judgment call, a thoughtless word, or any other way, it damages the relationship. Leaders know that success is all about the strength of their working relationships. You will hurt someone along the way, whether it’s your team or your clientele. That’s just life. 

If You Want to Lead Others, Start with Yourself

If You Want to Lead Others, Start with Yourself

What makes a leader great? We can debate essential leadership qualities or look at case studies to try and craft the ideal leader. I think, though, that it all starts with the proper foundation. The old adage says, “Physician, heal thyself!”

We would do well to apply that to our role as bosses, managers, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders. Lead thyself! After all, if you can’t effectively self-govern, what makes you believe you can do it for others?

Self-leadership is taking charge of our actions, behaviors, and development. We must cultivate the capacity to achieve personal and professional goals, make responsible decisions, and adapt to challenges.