Do You Have the Characteristics of an Effective Leader?

While it’s a myth that leaders are born and not made, there are some key characteristics that make leaders worth following. Knowing the characteristics can not only help you hone your own leadership skills, but it can aid in identifying, training, and retaining new leadership for your business. After all, it’s not just the guy at the top who leads. Leadership and initiative among your whole team produces top-tier results.

Whether you’re identifying leadership traits in someone else or working on your own skills, these are the core characteristics that create great leaders.

7 Characteristics that Define Effective Leaders

#1 – People-Oriented

No man is an island. It’s even more true in leadership. Great leaders keep everyone’s interests, not only their own, at heart. They care to be empathetic, collaborative, inclusive, and open. They recognize that leaders are nothing without their team, so they take care of them: from crafting a positive and healthy workplace environment to clearly defining tasks and expectations.

They’re positive towards and appreciative of their whole team, not just for the sake of office morale, but for genuine care and respect for their colleagues.

#2 – Accountable

 Have you ever encountered a boss who wouldn’t own up to their own mistakes? It doesn’t exactly inspire the masses. Accountability is a defining factor of worthwhile leadership. It means that leaders take decisions seriously because they recognize that they hold weight. After all, they impact the entire team. They’re willing to take responsibility for missteps. They also encourage accountability throughout their organization – both by setting the example and in recognizing the efforts of their colleagues.

#4 – Purpose-Driven

Naturally, all leaders have goals in mind. Not only are they able to clearly define their ambitions, but they are skilled in creating roadmaps to accomplish those goals. They can also communicate those goals to their team and stakeholders. At the same time, they’re able to temper their enthusiasm with patience when obstacles get in the way. Dedication to a clearly defined vision inspires others to drive forward with intention.

#5 – Discerning

Leadership demands risk-taking. Not only do effective leaders understand their own tolerance for risk, but they’re able to weigh worthwhile risks against fruitless ventures. Discernment allows them to weigh and analyze all options and solutions, identifying the path that will reap the right results. Discernment, of course, isn’t just about fixing problems or taking risks. It also means leaders are discerning when dealing in social situations, too. They use their words wisely and are good judges of character.

#6 – Self-Aware

For a leader, self-awareness isn’t just about recognizing your personal strengths and weaknesses. Of course, that’s a big part of it! Leaders who play into their strengths tend to be more effective – not necessarily because they’re the best at what they do, but because they recognize where they’re lacking. That allows them to create teams that address their blind spots and weak points.

But self-awareness also leads to self-improvement. The leader is a lifelong learner, always eager to pursue new knowledge. They’re willing to experiment, take risks, and pursue the best version of themselves.

There’s also an interpersonal aspect to self-awareness: the ability to see how your words and actions impact others. This makes for better communicators who act with intention.

#7 – Disciplined & Integrous

I put discipline and integrity together because both demand a dedication to a higher ideal. Disciplined leaders don’t fall prey to impulse. They think through their decisions and act carefully. Their days are structured, and they don’t rely on feelings of passion or excitement to get the job done. Instead, they drive forward because they’d developed good habits and lasting motivation.

Integrity similarly demands that leaders don’t fall prey to baser instincts and impulse. Leaders with integrity have clearly defined principles and they’re willing to pay the cost to stick to them. Integrity inspires trust among your team, shareholders, and clientele.

In business and in leadership, your integrity is everything!

Naturally, there are any number of traits I could name that make great leaders. The most important thing to remember is that you don’t have to be a “natural-born” leader. That’s a myth, plain and simple! Anyone can work to develop these traits and grow into roles of leadership.

What characteristics do you think great leaders share? Share your thoughts in the comments.