How to Fight Against the Unexpected Enemy of Innovation

How to Fight Against the Unexpected Enemy of Innovation

Nostalgia marketing is at an all-time high. Just look at the sea of films that remake old favorites or exploit an 80s IP that prime moviegoers remember from childhood. Whether it’s Barbie, G.I. Joe, Transformers, or the umpteenth live-action remake of a Disney classic, most of us can recognize when businesses try to use nostalgia to boost their bottom line.

10 Surprising Effects of Nutrition on the Body

10 Surprising Effects of Nutrition on the Body

Why does what we eat really matter? Because we live in a culture hyper-focused on appearance rather than health, our understanding of the significance of nutrition is distorted. Too many people think it’s solely about finding the right number on the scale. Our motivations to eat well – to eat whole, nutritious foods – don’t start and stop with weight.

10 Reasons You Should Over Communicate with Your Team

10 Reasons You Should Over Communicate with Your Team

You might have an adverse reaction to the thought of “over communicating.” After all, your perception might be of a constant stream of annoying emails or condescension. But that’s not what I’m talking about here!

For those in leadership roles, over communicating isn’t just recommended – it’s essential. Here are some reasons why it’s just good business sense.

9 New Years' Resolutions for Great Leaders

9 New Years' Resolutions for Great Leaders

Though some of us groan at the thought of making new years’ resolutions, they can be effective starting points for meaningful life change. When you’re in a leadership position, intentionally improving yourself, your relationships, and your business practices will only help you in your role. Great leaders aren’t born, they’re made.

So, this year, take the steps it takes to mold yourself into the kind of leader you wish to be!

8 Requirements Before You Expand Your Entrepreneurial Team

8 Requirements Before You Expand Your Entrepreneurial Team

I won’t pretend that entrepreneurship isn’t a scary venture. Most entrepreneurs start alone, sacrificing financial certainties for unknown but promising potential. Regardless of your industry or niche, you want your business to grow. In time, that growth demands that a team. We need other people – people with time, expertise, and passion. But scaling your business isn’t easy – the growing pains are real. Suddenly, it’s not just about your financial future but also your team’s livelihood.

How to Turn Something You Hate Into a New Habit

How to Turn Something You Hate Into a New Habit

Forming new habits is never easy. Most of the time, we’re doing it to improve our lives. Maybe it’s exercise, eating habits, or time management. Even when you know this new habit is good for you, you might hate doing it. 

The hate leads to reluctance and rebellion if we’re not careful. It’s natural to dislike something challenging or new. But if you constantly resent practicing the new habit you want to form, it will prevent you from making real progress!

7 Indicators You Aren’t Getting Enough Quality Rest

7 Indicators You Aren’t Getting Enough Quality Rest

The importance of quality rest can’t be overstated. Studies show that not getting enough sleep – or not sleeping well – can contribute to a host of health problems ranging from mental health conditions to heart disease. Of course, I’m not just talking about sleep quality. As athletes, we must remember to rest well. Overtraining can cause serious problems, not only hindering your performance but contributing to potentially long-term health issues.

Running with Purpose: Your Resource for Charity Marathon Running

Running with Purpose: Your Resource for Charity Marathon Running

Charity runs and marathons are a big deal. Search for a charity run in your area and you’re bound to find a host of options throughout the year, each supporting causes ranging from cancer research to bringing clean water to remote villages in Africa.

Now, I could make a list of runs for you – but honestly? The ones you can do often depend on where you are. And we all know, for example, how big of a deal something like the St. Jude 5k Weekend is. 

I will quickly mention a run near and dear to my heart: The Cancer Kickers Big Buffalo 50! This 50-mile run directly benefits The Cancer Kickers Soccer Club, a charity my wife and I founded to provide community, care, and support for children battling cancer around the world. The 2024 race will be held Saturday, March 23, so I wanted to put it on your radar! 

With that said, how do charity 5Ks, runs, and marathons work? Here’s what you need to know and how to make the most of your participation!