3 Leadership Lessons from the Great Resignation
The Great Resignation, also known as the Great Transition, refers to the phenomenon of some 33 million Americans quitting their jobs beginning in summer of 2021. As a leader, entrepreneur, or business owner, you’ve no doubt been aware of the perceived labor shortage. On the other hand, work still seems hard to come by!
8 Nutrition Principles for Boosting Athletic Performance
The Surefire Way to Build Self-Confidence and Destroy Imposter Syndrome
What’s the real antidote for imposter syndrome? No one likes that feeling of being out of place and out of their depth. Unfortunately for entrepreneurs, this is a path paved with experimentation and all the things you’ve never done before. It’s scary. It’s risky. And you’re probably not going to feel totally confident going in.
6 Ways to Introduce More Vegetables into Your Diet
I think it’s safe to say that we could all stand to eat more vegetables. Even if you enjoy eating them, you probably struggle to get your full serving sizes in each day. As Americans, we have a skewed version of the dinner plate that usually includes more carbs and proteins than leafy greens. This is a big mistake – and a mindset that will keep vegetables as a food afterthought rather than the star of the show.
6 Ways to Refocus & Return to Healthy Eating Habits
I don’t know about you, but the past few years have been stressful. That stress has taken its toll in countless ways, including on our waistlines. Though most cities and businesses have returned to a sense of semi-normalcy, being cooped up at home with no gym access, for many, meant forgoing healthy exercise and eating habits.
Understanding Inspiration as an Entrepreneur
Identify (and Avoid) Narcissists in the Workplace
Think you know a narcissist? It can be much more than an arrogant know-it-all! Narcissists, in a broad, general definition, are overly self-involved individuals. Then there’s the clinical definition in which a narcissist is a person suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) which demands a diagnosis after extensive psychological evaluation.
6 Natural Ways to Relieve Seasonal Allergies
How to Deliver an Effective Apology as an Influential Leader
Stop Believing These 8 Major Nutrition Myths
The Making of a Healthy Leadership Mindset
5 Critical Boundaries Every Leader Must Set
How to Avoid Blame-Shifting in Leadership
Tell-Tale Signs You've Stumbled Upon a Health & Wellness Scam
6 Key Mind Exercises to Improve Memory & Recall
6 Dumb Mistakes Sabotaging Your Health & Wellness Journey
The health and wellness world is an industry. If you’re trying to get healthy and fit, you’re going to encounter your fair share of shady products, clickbait, and unfounded claims. I know because I sure have! You’re going to be bombarded by opinions on the best diets, whether eggs are good for you, and what the best fat-burning exercises are.
4 Dangerous Consequences of Following Your Passions
Break the Cycle of the Workday Rut in 7 Steps
How Great Leaders Command Attention When They Speak
Great leadership relies on great communication. Whether you’re speaking in front of a crowd or one-on-one, mastery of communication is key. We all know that terrible feeling when we’re speaking, and people are less than engaged. Blank looks, drooping heads, unenthused applause…The thought is enough to make me cringe!