6 Small Changes That Dramatically Improve Your Health
By now, you’re likely tired of making new years’ resolutions. We all know how the cycle goes: make our resolutions, stick to it for a few weeks, and then they fade into memory as failed attempts at change. Part of the reason we have trouble sticking to these resolutions is simple: we’re overly ambitious.
How Successful Leaders Create Their Year-End Report Card
7 Secrets to Setting New Years' Goals that Stick
By this point, we’re all pretty sick of the idea of the new years’ resolution. For most of us, they end up being useless. We start off with great ambitions for the new year only to let new habits fizzle out within a week or two. That is a highly discouraging result from a practice designed to be motivating and life-changing.
The Entrepreneur's Perfect Holiday Wishlist
7 Ways to Enjoy Holiday Feasts Without Sabotaging Your Diet
We’ve survived Thanksgiving, but the flurry of holiday temptations is far from over. If you’re health conscious like I am, you’re well aware that holiday parties and feasts can be a dietary minefield. But as much as we want to stick to our diet and avoid packing on pounds, we also want to allow ourselves to enjoy and indulge in the festivities.
The Real Dangers of Sleeping Too Much
I’ve been a big proponent of a healthy sleep schedule in the past. That’s still true! Most of us don’t get enough sleep day-to-day, and that deficit catches up with us all. It’s not just about waking up cranky and tired, either – a lack of quality sleep has the potential to disrupt both mind and body.
Wellness Tips for a Healthy & Flu-Free Fall
Although you can contract the flu and other influenza viruses year-round, the Fall and Winter months tend to be the most “active” times for these viruses to strike. Over the past year and a half, we’ve been contending with the COVID-19 pandemic. Protecting ourselves from COVID has, in many ways, protected us from the flu, too.
Is a Four-Day Workweek the Standard of the Future?
Scotland just joined a handful of developed countries – including Spain, New Zealand, Japan, and Iceland – putting a standard four-day workweek to the test.
8 Inspiring Quotes for the Innovative Mind
For Health & Running Performance, Focus on Lung Capacity
The sun beats down on your back. Your legs burn and shake as you push yourself through to the end of the race. What you notice most is not your thirst or the way your heart seems to beat out of your chest. No – what you notice is your lungs. Every breath seems to burn with relief. And it never quite feels like enough.
Brain-Boosting Foods You Need in Your Diet Right Now
Whether your brain is feeling the effects of burnout, stress, or COVID brain fog, the foods that we eat can make all the difference in the world. The nutritional content of our food fuels our physical and mental health. Your diet won’t just help you reach your weight goals — it impacts the long-term health of your mind and body.
6 Compelling Reasons to Embrace Losing
No one wants to be a loser. There are plenty of circumstances, however – particularly for leaders – where losing is just better than winning. While the call here is not to be a chronic, lifelong loser, I do urge you…be okay with losing for the right reasons. There is a wealth of knowledge to be gained from the pain of losing.
Deconstructing Leadership's Myth of the Singular Genius
5 Ways to Stay Active Even When Your Enthusiasm Wanes
Switch from Surviving to Thriving in the Post-Pandemic Workplace
6 Secrets to Public Speaking Like a Pro
Did you know that humans fear public speaking more than death? If they were given the choice, I’m sure they’d pick public speaking over death but the fear persists nonetheless. The root of this fear comes down to anxiety and fear of judgment.
Health & Wellness Tips for Surviving the Summer
Summer is in full swing. Although the 4th of July is behind us, it’s tough to avoid the allure of lazy summer days spent eating BBQ and hamburgers with all the fixings. Every season comes with its challenges in terms of health and wellness. Summer, however, is in the unique position of providing us with some of the best opportunities to be mindful and healthy.
How to Be Productive During Your Summer Vacation
We have a cultural obsession with productivity. When we look at the statistics, we see that a record 768 million U.S. vacation days went unused in 2018. More than half of Americans don’t take all of their days of paid vacation. There are many layers as to why this is the case, but for most Americans, it boils down to either the burden of travel expenses or worrying about work.
The Essential Nature of the Workplace Pessimist
Decades of research have demonstrated the power of optimism. Most of us are wired to be optimists, and that’s a good thing. Optimists are demonstrably more healthy and live longer. They have a lower risk for cardiovascular disease. Their survival and recovery rates are better.