Consider the jobs you’ve worked throughout your life. I guarantee you even the best jobs came with their fair share of frustrations! When pet peeves compound, though, it can hurt employee retention and team cohesion. Small, persistent issues add up. They can be so impactful, in fact, that even excellent compensation isn’t enough to make up for a stressful environment.
Don’t let your team fall prey to these pet peeves, whether in-person or remote. Instead, mitigate and seek real solutions!
8 MAJOR Workplace Pet Peeves
Pet Peeve #1 – Environmental Distractions
The advent of open offices has only made this issue worse. Because so many of us operate in one big room together – or at home as remote workers – distractions abound. Noisy phone calls and conversations make it difficult to concentrate. Loud chewing noises are like nails on a chalkboard! A frantic home environment can be distracting, grating, and unpleasant for remote workers.
As the boss, do what you can to mitigate these issues. Selective soundproofing, increased privacy, and allowances for noise-canceling headphones and earplugs can all benefit your team.
Pet Peeve #2 – Bad Meetings
Meetings are sometimes necessary and productive. However, meetings are also notorious time-wasters when done improperly. If it could’ve been an email, make it an email. Ensure everyone is prepared for the meeting and fulfills their duties. Check and double-check any tech you’ll be utilizing. Time is precious. Don’t waste it on do-nothing meetings that accomplish little of value.
Pet Peeve #3 – Office Politics
Cliques and gossip are toxic to the workplace. They’re also not what people are here for. They’re distractions at best and instigate serious conflict at worst. If you get wind of cliques and gossip, take it from me: shut it down. Interpersonal office drama is never worth its perceived entertainment value. In the same way, beware of favoritism by managers, unfair criticism, and an unwillingness to collaborate.
Pet Peeve #4 – Unnecessary In-Office Obligations
The pandemic proved that the traditional office structure is outdated and unnecessary for many businesses. While, on one hand, I understand the benefits of being physically in the same space as your team, I also recognize the benefits of remote work. Guard against the impulse to bring everyone back into the office solely because that’s how it’s always been done. You might find some people are better at their jobs and more efficient when they have the flexibility of WFH.
Pet Peeve #5 – Invasions of Personal Space
Hovering. Unwanted physical contact. Being trapped in a long-winded conversation. I don’t know about you, but these things make my skin crawl! It’s unsurprising, then, that invasions of personal space are among the biggest workplace pet peeves. You can mitigate this problem by reinforcing appropriate workplace boundaries.
Pet Peeve #6 – Micromanagement
Micromanagement is about control and a lack of trust. When managers needle at their team, looking to oversee and correct every single step…it’s exhausting! Employees are hired for their ability and potential. You should be able to trust them to get the job done when supplied with the right tools and information. If you notice micromanagement happening, put a stop to it!
Pet Peeve #7 – Communications Breakdown
Effective communication is at the heart of business success. Both in-person and remote workers have grievances about poor communication from their bosses. Be sure you hammer in the importance of clarity and repetition. Utilize multiple avenues to get your point across. Foster a culture that welcomes questions and clarification.
Believe me, overcommunication is key. Reiterate often.
Pet Peeve #8 – Lack of Work-Life Respect
Finally, one of the biggest pet peeves in company culture is this: a lack of respect for work-life balance. Too many employers expect unyielding loyalty and unpaid overtime. They expect their team to drop everything for the sake of the business, regardless of family obligations or much-needed rest. Business owners must understand that employees don’t have the same stake in the company. And that’s okay.
You want to encourage excellence and ambition. But that isn’t the same as demanding everyone be on-call 24/7. Instead, create opportunities to grow and put in extra effort without punishing your team for sticking to their requirements.
What are your top workplace pet peeves? Share in the comments below!