4 Ways to Successfully Achieve Your New Years' Fitness Goals
Effective Time Management is Attention Management
The world seems more fast-paced than ever. If 2020 has taught me anything, it’s been the value of slowing down. Reflecting. This has been a year where we have been stressed and displaced, worried and searching. While I don’t want to sum up the challenges and lessons from the year in some bullet-point list, I do think it is valuable to share some of the revelations that have occurred to me (and others) over a very different, very trying year.
In Leadership, Trust is at the Heart of Success
As you’re all well aware of by now, my family owns REI Nation, the leading company in turnkey real estate investment. This isn’t about to be a pitch, don’t worry (our reputation says plenty!). I do want to talk about something we as a company have learned over the years and how it impacts all of us in the professional world — particularly those in a position of leadership.
In 2021, Keep Your Workflow Calm & Collected
2020 was a busy year filled with topsy-turvy work schedules and locales. While I’m sure happy to close the chapter on 2020, making 2021 better has more to do with our actions than it does the day on the calendar. If we want to have a better year, it starts with what we spend a lot of our time doing: work!
When Recovering from Illness, Health & Nutrition Priorities Matter
Perhaps more than any other year, staying healthy has been on our minds. We’ve been worried about COVID-19, first and foremost, but seasonal illnesses, like flu, have always been a point of concern. None of us like to be sick — I know I don’t! I hate the sluggish fatigue and brain fog, the feeling like I can do nothing except lay down and rest and wait for it all to pass.
This Holiday Season, Give Yourself the Gift of Gratitude
It’s been a year. The holiday season is full of hustle and bustle in the best of times, and 2020 has been anything but. Many of us are facing illness, financial strain, and worry about the future. We’re worn down with COVID-19 fatigue, anxiety, and stress. The tragedies of the year have been both big and widespread and small and personal. If you’re like me, you’ve known friends, family, and neighbors who have experienced loss and grief in one way or another.
The Priceless Value of Social Capital in a Work-from-Home World
Fast Company recently published an article about one of the biggest leadership problems facing us in the middle of the work-from-home surge: the decline of social capital. I don’t know about you, but “social capital” sounds like one of those buzzword concepts thrown around in professional development settings. Like emotional intelligence, it’s something we might talk about and try to improve, but it often feels too abstract to be of practical value.
7 Ways to Manage Stress Through Wellness & Nutrition
Now more than ever we seem aware of the pressures and stressors of life. Stress isn’t an innocuous annoyance, either. In the short term, you can expect stomach cramps, headaches, fatigue, and weight loss or weight gain. In the long term, every part of the mind and body is impacted: your digestive and reproductive systems, your immune function, and mental health.
6 Tactics for Offering Constructive Criticism in the Workplace
I don’t know anyone who genuinely likes confrontation. Deep down, we all want to be liked, accepted, and looked up to. Sometimes, it feels as though that desire runs counter to our need to give meaningful, constructive criticism. Who are we criticizing, exactly? It could be anyone — peers, employees, or even someone above you. It can seem like the stakes are too high to make dishing out a constructive critique worthwhile.
How to Bounce Back from Serious Burnout
4 Ways to Prioritize Fitness at the Office
Stop These 6 Bad Habits from Sapping Your Energy
When to Walk Away from Opportunities, Even When They Seem Great
In our professional lives, we dream of an abundance of opportunities to grow our experience, status, and income. We get excited when new things are on the horizon — and who wouldn’t? I for one find myself energized by new opportunities. I get to test my knowledge, hone my skills, and grow my experience.
How to SAFELY Go to the Gym in a COVID-19 World
The past six months or so have been tough for gym-goers. Even for those of us outdoor runners, there are times when the weather is unsavory for our preferred workouts, and hitting the gym would have been the preferred, normal alternative to running. We’d jump on the treadmill, cross-train with some weights, or hit the stationary bike.
5 Reasons Good Nutrition Really, Really Matters
When I talk about fitness, as with many people, I tend to gravitate towards physical activity. Exercise. This is only natural, as it’s mostly what comes to mind. However, physical fitness — holistic health and wellness — is also deeply tied to nutrition. I’ve been fairly open about my health journey. I became an endurance runner. For me, it’s never been about having all of my gains in one area or even being the best.
5 Qualities that Model Success for a World-Class Company
Leader, Be the Voice of Reason When Emotions Rule
Whole Grains are an Essential Inclusion in Your Diet
Life-Long Lessons to Teach Our Children in the Wake of COVID-19
One of the biggest issues facing parents these past few months is how to maintain the quality of schooling for our children despite the challenges of remote learning, lockdowns, and mask mandates. For many of us, our children (at least, those under 18) have spent an unprecedented amount of time at home. Even for those of us living in areas where schools have reopened, they’re often not operating at full capacity, five days a week.