How to Handle Conflict Like a Great Leader

How to Handle Conflict Like a Great Leader

The world seems more divided than it’s ever been. It might be an exaggeration — after all, we only know our lifetime and its context. Even so, conflict seems to be everywhere we turn. In part, we can blame it on social media. Not only does the Internet afford us some level of anonymity and distance from the people we disagree with, emboldening some to be particularly vitriolic, but social media means that we simply see more of it. We’re more connected, more in-the-know.

Be a Unifying Leader in the Age of Divisiveness

Be a Unifying Leader in the Age of Divisiveness

There are so many valuable qualities that shape the effectiveness of a leader. I’ve talked about many of them at length. I think now, in 2020, as we face increasingly divisive rhetoric and action on all levels of society, the unifying nature of leadership is more valuable than ever. Now, I’m not here to get into politics or discuss sweeping social issues.

4 Parenting Secrets from the Modern Gentleman's Playbook

4 Parenting Secrets from the Modern Gentleman's Playbook

I have five kids. As we’ve just seen Father’s Day come and go, I can’t help but think about them. Specifically, I think about the kind of people they are growing up to be and how I, as their father, play a role in that future. One of the biggest fears we dads have is that we’ll “screw up” our kids. We fear that we’ll give them something less than the best, that our actions will hurt their futures.

A Competitive Spirit Brings Both Peril & Progress in Leadership

 A Competitive Spirit Brings Both Peril & Progress in Leadership

I’m no stranger to the competitive spirit. As I navigate my life and work, that sense of competition has driven me to sharpen my skills, pay attention to the details, and provide the best I have to offer to my colleagues and clients alike. Even in my hobbies, I see my competitive spirit thriving — as an endurance runner, I’m always pushing for peak performance.

4 Ways Smart Endurance Runners Beat the Summer Heat

4 Ways Smart Endurance Runners Beat the Summer Heat

Over the past several months, those of us who enjoy our exercise have faced a handful of unique challenges. Gyms were among the first businesses to go into lockdown, and understandably so. Regardless, many people who retreat to the gym during the hotter months were stuck without a cool environment in which to do their cardio. And believe me, it’s already been pretty toasty in Memphis!

This is How to Be More Productive Working from Home

This is How to Be More Productive Working from Home

Statistics show that the work-from-home model has only grown in accessibility and desirability in the past decade. In the months that we have battled the COVID-19 pandemic, many employers have shifted their workforce to a telework model, if only temporarily. Some businesses, however, are seeing the benefit of making work-from-home a permanent arrangement for some employees.

Build Lasting Motivation to Exercise in 5 Steps

Build Lasting Motivation to Exercise in 5 Steps

Chances are, COVID-19 has meant gaining the COVID-15! During this time of self-quarantine, a lot of us have turned to junk food to cope — on top of gyms being closed for business. Our way of life has been shaken and turned upside down. We’re out of our regular routines. For some of us, sure, there have been positive changes. For others, we’re struggling. Your diet is in the trash and your usual avenue for exercise has been gone for a least three months.

What is Brain Fog & How Do I Defeat It?

What is Brain Fog & How Do I Defeat It?

As so many of us have transitioned to working from home due to the COVID-19 crisis, you have no doubt heard the term “brain fog” more than once. Brain fog is not a scientific term, but rather refers to general symptoms of mental fatigue, trouble concentrating, and cognitive dysfunction. The catch-all term “brain fog” is apt. I know that for me, it is that feeling of wading through water. Everything is slower, more difficult, and weighed down.

How to Really Listen as a Leader (And Why It Matters)

How to Really Listen as a Leader (And Why It Matters)

When we think of the characteristics that make a great leader, we don’t tend to think of listening skills immediately. However, you will find in leadership that it is the more humble, the more unseen skills that really push leaders from good to great. You can be a charismatic speaker, you can have magnetic charm, you can have incredible and innovative ideas — but if you don’t know how to listen well, your success in leadership will be temporary at best.

The Essential Checklist for Effective Retirement Prep

The Essential Checklist for Effective Retirement Prep

Whether you’re ready for it or not, retirement is coming. Statistics show that Americans are woefully unprepared for retirement — at least in the financial sense. Americans ages 55-64 have only saved 12 percentof what they need for retirement, on average. It’s suggested that young people squirrel away at least two decades worth of income, given the 18-year average for retirement. The number one worry of working-aged Americans is that they won’t have enough saved.